Below Horizon Limited
Company Summary
Below Horizon Limited was set up on Thursday the 18th of October 2018. Their current partial address is Dublin, and the company status is Normal. The company's current directors have been the director of 1 other Irish company between them. According to our records, Below Horizon Limited has had a judgment registered against it. Below Horizon Limited has 4 shareholders.
Company Vitals
- Company Name:Below Horizon Limited
- Time in Business:6 Years
- Company Number:636153
- Current Status:Normal
- May Trade As:Below Horizon Ltd
- Size:Small Company
- Principal Activity:Engineering Activities and Related Technical Consultancy
- Partial Address:Dublin
Document | Pages | Effective | Received |
FINANCIAL STATEMENT | 9 | 18/04/2024 | 23/05/2024 |
Form B1C - Annual Return General | 4 | 18/04/2024 | 23/05/2024 |
FINANCIAL STATEMENT | 9 | 18/04/2023 | 08/06/2023 |
Form B1C - Annual Return General | 4 | 18/04/2023 | 08/06/2023 |
FINANCIAL STATEMENT | 10 | 18/04/2022 | 07/06/2022 |
Constitution | 1 | 18/10/2018 | 29/08/2018 |
This company has 10 other documents.